Thursday, September 21, 2006

Where Do I Go From Here?

I find myself burned out posting on political topics. Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed posting, and the discussions in the comment sections that follow, including the debates with Dan and Michael. I still have a passion for political topics, but I think I just need to take a break from posting on such subjects.

But the question is, on what else do I post? I've been trying to post on other things the past few weeks, such as topics on music, sports, and topics involving the church. Still though, I like to have an underlying theme, and underlying philosophy behind my posts. For some time, I had a theme of liberty flowing through my posts and viewing different issues with respect to that. Anyway, I don't know what the future holds for this blog. And I could change my mind at any time. As soon as I post this, some topic could immediately come to mind. The point being, I don't really have a plan right now.


Michael Westmoreland-White, Ph.D. said...

I understand this. I try to rotate my political posts with profiles of theological mentors and heroes, book reviews, and reports on church or other conferences. Dan rotates with stuff on music as well as about our church. It can help to add pictures, etc. to break up things. Also, fun things like polls (I did the nerd poll), the one book meme, humor.

These things, I am finding, keep a blog fresh--so that people don't think we are angry every time we post an update to the blog.

What are your other compelling interests besides politics? Make 3-4 categories and write about them as well.

I hope this is helpful. I don't want you to stop blogging since you are an excellent dialogue partner.

Chance said...

Thanks Michael, I appreciate teh comments. I have enjoyed conversing with you as well, and you and Dan have really kept me on my toes. As you'll see, your nerd test did give me fodder for one post.

Lee said...

I see you'yre hitting the wall. Happens to me too. My suggestion is, besides the music and such, is basic observation.

What quietly impressive thing did you see somebody do today? What horribly silly if not outright ignorant thing did you witness?

These small vignettes of everyday life are often the posts I'm most proud of.

Josh said...

I think you should devote your time and writing to the declining manatee population and how it affects our economy... And how it's all George W Bush's fault... And how Speedos are the greatest invention since sliced bread (what about before sliced bread)... Should I go further?

Josh said...

Hey, Jim Wallis has a blog. I'm sure you'll get many ideas from him.