Monday, June 11, 2007

Difference between big and small government folks

Big government folks, whether they be conservative or liberal, are optimistic. They put their faith in politicians, that they will always do the right thing. Limited government folk are different in that they prepare for the worst-case scenario, that the worst sort of people will be in charge.


Dan Trabue said...

"They put their faith in politicians, that they will always do the right thing."

I don't know of anyone like this.

This is one of the things that Left and Right can unite on: Our distrust of politicians...

Chance said...

Hmm, maybe I didn't say it very well.

Maybe replace politicians with "government" or "elected officials."

Don't you agree that the trend in recent history for both parties has been that of putting more and more power in the hands of government?

But what you say is true as well. No one really trusts politicians. But for some reason, so many seem to trust them with more and more power.