Wednesday, May 03, 2006

What do people think of businesses in churches?

I am curious to know people's opinions on this topic. What I am referring to is not the operation of the church overall, but the church's operations concerning in-church stores.

The church I attend has a small coffee bar on Sunday mornings, and the Saturday night service for young adults has a drink and snack bar. The biggest church in town has a full-fledged cafeteria. I went there for a passion play for Easter, and I was amazed at the selection they had. They had a full-blown coffee and espresso bar, and you could get a full cooked lunch, such as a cheeseburger with fries. Large church bookstores are also very common.

Now, there have been several concerns with a church operating a business next to the sanctuary. Can running a business distract from the purpose of the church, even if the profits go towards the church's mission? Are churches becoming too commercial?

My own view is that this is okay, provided that it is handled properly. I think as long as the church is not too focused on the business, and that there are people devoted to running the business aspect, so that ministerial staff do not get bogged down with details.

However, I know there are varying opinions on this topic. I know my blog doesn't attract a mass audience, but feel free to post your thoughts on the subject.

1 comment:

Josh said...

I think that it's a good idea as long as the most important goal is to provide needs for the congregation and not to pad the church budget, but even with that as the case, capitalism is capitalism.

It could be a great opportunity to meet the needs and bring in new converts as a witness opportunity.

And in all actuality, the church is somewhat of a business in the fact that bills have to be paid, staff has to be paid & that money has to come from somewhere.

Good Post.